History 104A, November 30: Three for the Price of One!


               I have decided to give us a little James Burke again, so we have


          a multimedia session, two days if you will in a row or at least two


          meetings in a row.  I hadn't really anticipated doing the one on the


          centers, but I just bought it and I really did like it.  It obviously


          gets us into Martin Luther and the reformation.  What I wanted to


          identify again for you -- and it did come out in the film -- of the


          areas that I identified that make renaissance, how was Martin Luther a


          renaissance man?  A typical renaissance man?  Tough one, huh?  The


          answer really lies in the sense of individuality, the sense that the


          individual can achieve what they will.  And what's the ultimate


          achievement the individual can make?  Salivation, I guess, for some.


          So remember, starting with the Wycliffe and Hus or however he


          pronounced it -- I'm used to Hus.  And then of course being pushed by


          Martin Luther, the whole point being what we have then is the belief


          that individuals can achieve salivation without the need of


          intermediaries, that by reading the Bible you can find Christ.  And by


          finding Christ, you will do good works and good deeds and you don't


          need to talk to statutes of saints nor do you need to buy indulgences


          or an intermediary in the sense of a priest.  Men can do all things if


          they will.  Martin Luther had the personality as well as in the sense


          of braggadocio in promoting himself.  He did an excellent job of


          using, as it was indicated, the printing press.  The vernacular


          becomes important.  Vernacular means the native languages.  Throughout


          the middle ages, the language used in mass and everywhere else was



          Latin.  Now, with the reformation, the native language becomes used.


          Translation, Martin Luther translates the Bible to German and later


          on, of course, the Bible is translated into English and the definitive


          quote/unquote version in 1603 or somewhere in that time is translated


          into English.  So again, that whole sense of worldliness, this world


          tied to individual salivation becomes very important to the


          renaissance era.


               And we'll also identify how Christopher Columbus or Colon,


          meaning Christ the colonizer.  Now, that's the height of braggadocio,


          take the name Christ the colonizer, not bad if you're going to brag


          about yourself.  And of course men can do all things if they will, go


          out there and see the world, search the world.  Forget about the flat


          Earth and the sea monsters, which most scholars knew at least the flat


          Earth didn't exist.  We'll get into that a little later as well.


               I just wanted to sort of tie that together in that sense of the


          meaning, even though they're different periods often in history,


          renaissance reformation, age of exploration, they really do tie


          together.  And they're, of course, within the same date period that


          we're discussing.


               The exam is coming close.  I think we have only three more BS


          lessons left by me to go.  Next week, Wednesday, you are terminated


          here.  And then you will terminate on, is it Monday, from 9:30 to


          11:30, that your exam is scheduled, if you will, correctly.  And it


          will be in this room.  That means that sometime next week I should


          give you a take-home question that I will have to work out.  Any



          questions before I proceed to today's video?  All right.


                                     (showing video)


               Always tough in the morning to watch a film, but I always enjoy


          it because we never had any technology, technological learning in


          history and it really gives you a little of that background.  Okay.


          So explore for the rest of the day and we'll see you Friday.

