March two.
Well we finished up on the interfaces, did we not,
through the -- and I guess it's about time to talk about --
well, I know affirmative action. Did I get into defining
affirmative action? Did I get to -- decision? Bakke?
Okay. What we were trying to identify were the conflicts
between equality and liberty. We also are identifying to
you that well today we push equality, the framers of the
Constitution emphasized liberty. And in the last thirty
years the push for equality has been done through
affirmative action. A catch phrase that has a lot of people
upset, a lot of people, and becomes a great excuse for the
white people. I mean I keep hearing from whites, "I didn't
get the job because of affirmative action," and almost
wouldn't have got the job no matter what color they were;
they were losers. I'm sorry. I just -- bias an excuse.
There have been cases where quotas have been used. It's
-- that's a big problem with affirmative action, people
using it as an excuse. Okay. White people using it as
excuse and of course under represented people -- notice
again I didn't use -- Affirmative action is giving
preferences to individuals from groups who have been denied
access to power who were under represented. When there is
equal or near equal qualification, and last time in class we
tried to identify that also people complained about
minorities quote/unquote or better under represented people
getting benefits, but they never seem to complain about
athletes getting benefits. Did we not talk about that?
No? Oh, well, this fellow in my class yesterday who
actually attends Stanford this year -- because he wanted to
take the political science here because he heard of me.
Just teasing. And the fact that his roommate is a track
star at Stanford who got into there with a 3.0 average and a
950 S.A.T. Score. Now that's not near equal. To get into
Stanford you need 4.0 and generally around 1400 S.A.T.
However, exceptions are made for athletes, but how do they
survive? Well my son and I went down when he graduated high
school. The coach from Berkeley was recruiting him. The
soccer coach asked him to come down to the campus and wanted
to give us the pitch. Well my son graduated with a 3.6, may
have been a little higher if you adjust, but it wasn't a
Berkeley 4.4 average which is what you need to get into
Berkeley out of high school with everything else. So I
looked at the coach -- I knew the answer, but I asked, "Can
you get him in?" He said with a 3.6, of course. He said as
a soccer player, I can get him in with a 3.2 and if he were
a football player, I could get him in with a 2.0. I looked
at him and I said, now I expressed my disgust, I never kept
my mouth shut. If he wanted my kid he would have taken him
anyway. You know, this is big business. And it is. It's
money. Football, at Cal. Alumni money. And I said what
happens if he has a little problem with English, know the
course and I had to clarify that. And he said, we have
tutors. They have tutoring sessions every Friday for the
athletes and on top of that we will provide a private tutor
paid for by the alumni. They also have special academic
counsellors for the athletes for each sport. So that they
can get the right classes in case any are too tough. Now
let me tell you, they still get a Berkeley degree if they
finish. Of course the problem was they didn't finish. Now
there's a big concern of schools pushing athletes to
complete. In fact, that is funny in a sense.
I was at the University of Arizona at which he is
tournament in 1989, Arizona State in 96 and I knew the and I
so I had seen him in year or so so I went to see him and he
was talking to the football coach who was brand new at that
time in 89. I think it's different now. And the basketball
coach had been there, had a successful couple of years.
They were laughing, not just about his salary, was $500,000
a year and that doesn't include $100,000 from Nike or
whatever the foot company was throwing into the program, the
shoe company. $500,000 a year. There's no professor at any
campus that makes $500,000 a year as a salary. But the funny
part that they were laughing is that he had a stipulation in
his contract that he would get a bonus for every athlete he
graduated. So to push him to make sure his athletes stayed
in school, they gave him extra money. Now what I'm saying
basically is when I hear complaints about affirmative action
I sort of push it aside and say if they gave that kind of
tutor if they put that kind of money in they could take the
people from the ghetto with 2.0 and get them better jobs,
but that's not what I'm -- you know, proposing here. My
attitude is that I don't think your reduce Stanford are
athletes either. It shouldn't be reduced for nobody that's
the whole point. Academics should be the standard we're
talking about at these schools.
Are there schools that maintain standards? There are a
few. But the problem with affirmative action the problem
with athletes the problem with professors kids is that the
standards have been reduced. What am I talking about?
Professors' kids. Most will allow our children to go to
that campus or alumnus kids with far lower GPA if your
parent teaches at Stanford you can get in at 3.0, not a 4.0.
However, if you don't get into Stanford and your parents
work there, even if they're not in the faculty, they will
pay half your tuition at any college you go to in the
country. Not a bad country. That's not fair. Well that's
my whole point. This process isn't fair, and so when we --
but yet, we seem to complain about and when we hear about
the kind of complaints we hear. One can't help but say,
racism. But we're killing to accept that without complain.
My point is that I want to complain about both and I want to
make it clear that bodies really to me are extremely
bothersome. Would I take it? Sure, I'd take the money.
That's not the point. Well, you know, interestingly, what
I'm saying is I don't have any ethics. This is back many
years ago. When affirmative action was really being abused
even more so than it has been and he was a straight A
student at Ohlone, he was from the Philippines. He had left
under Marco. His family was active politically, but he
wasn't on the -- he didn't keep a 4.0 there. He probably
had a 3.7 3.6 which is -- me a year ago maybe fifteen
twenty years else he was here on e mail. He's back in
Philippines but he wanted to go to law school. So he took
the S.A.T exams. He got 756 on them. Obviously an
outrageously high score. What he wrote to the law schools
he wrote, when you consider me for admission I do not want
to be considered under minority admissions. I worked hard so
you have seen my scores and grades. I don't want to be
degraded by accepting in minority admissions. If you take
into account diversity, please take into account I'm from
the Philippines. Now it sounds hypocritical, but he was
dead serious. Because diversity is a factor inequality. We
always have to deal with different kinds of diversity. And
what proves his ethics and I said I don't have, is he
received a full scholarship to Cornell which is one of the
Ivy League law schools on minority admissions. He turned it
down. And went to Ratgers in New Jersey on a partial
scholarship simply because they took him in open
enrollment. He felt it would be degrading. He had ethics
and I'm saying I mean I don't know how many of us, I know I
wouldn't. I would have taken -- it is very hard when you
deal with that. We live in a society with the expensive
stuff and I gave those kind of people credit for their
consistency, but that's one of the problems. People can
easily abuse it and as I said, make excuses while they abuse
it. Not just whites using it, and abusing it. But another
example --
Q My brother-in-law got a job in Sacramento as a fire
fighter and he had been applying in Fremont and Newark for
the last five years and his mother was born in Hawaii before
it became a state, so he was able to claim that he was a
Hawaiian citizen, but technically he is even though he's one
hundred percent white and a friend of his who also moved to
Sacramento applied for the same job who put white on the
paperwork, my brother-in-law got the job. Personally my
opinion only because he put on this --
A Doubt it.
Because Hawaii is not recognized, unless Polynesian as
an under represented group. It just blew me away that
somebody was on paperwork might say something, but at the
same time most of the people that I know are actually been
Anglo and I know a lot of the minorities have been turned
I knew this kid who hadn't even gone through college who
was a big white kid and he got on the Oakland police. When
I heard this Korean guy say he got turned down and was
saying well some other white guy because affirmative
action. It may be more difficult, but if you've got the
standards and you're going to get the job, I'm sorry where
it is. Unless it's one of the institution where you got
poor management and quotas and I don't think you want to
work there any way. We talk about guidelines. I'm dead.
I'll talk about that, but, you know, we use it. We abuse
it. Did I talk about the individual that sued Ohlone
college because he got turned down for a division deanship
here? Cost the school a fortune. The guy was African
American and we needed -- we were hiring a dean for our
division. And the guy retired, and the head of committee is
Mildred White. Now she's African American. We had two
Hispanics on the committee, a number of women, and an
Asian. On the committee besides this Anglo who did the
interviewing and today one of the nice parts about
affirmative action, it requires you to ask the same
questions to everybody.
Years ago you come in for a job, I always knew I'd get a
job because I knew when I went into the interview I could
change the topic into something interested in and we'd talk
the whole time about the topic and never about the job. I
think you can still pull that, but on the major jobs like
teaching today you can't. Because when you go for your
initial interviews there's a set of questions that you are
-- that everybody has to be asked so that you have
consistencies. But I don't know if I'd get
a job today. Okay.
In any case, we usually pull a certain number of people
in for an interview of the sixty or fifty applications and
this is what you do and a lot of the hiring not just in
teaching and we choose seven to bring to interview.
Interestingly, of the seven two dropped out who were women
so we really didn't have any women, but we had a real
diverse group. Actually, three women minorities and one was
Asian, two were Hispanic and the other two were white. The
majority. And the one black guy -- I'm sorry, so it was
only one white -- whatever it was. The way -- well, this
guy was an older guy in the sense that he had been around
education for many years but he had not taught in the
classroom for many years and we can't have a classroom
teacher in action. He hadn't taught in 20 years. He had all
these nice educational lingo and we didn't like it. When
people start using educational lingo you begin to say this
is the kind of administration those of you who were not in
education -- he had every word down. He knew every phrase
of what was going on in the education books. That's scary.
Well, in any case, he was not sent up to the president.
The president usually requires that we send up three names
without ranking them so he can choose. This is power of the
president. Well we actually sent up four names including a
person I thought would get the position basically because he
was Asian and he was coming from San Francisco City College.
However when he found out he had to teach and wasn't going
to get extra money from it, I understood he dropped out. We
hired a Hispanic and that happens to be Ron Quinta who many
know from biology. He was the one that was hired from the
post. Any of you had Ron Quinta? One of the tragedies,
he's a good great teacher. Because he wasn't became an
administrator. This guy went to the equal opportunity and
charged that the committee had been radically biased against
him. What the school had to do was they had to go through
five years of records to show that we did not, that we had
hired diverse people on the campus. We had to have the
lawyers writing back and forth various briefs, it must have
cost the school $50,000 just because this guy files a
complaint which hadn't gone into the lawsuit yet. Each of
us who were on the committee had to be interviewed, our
statements had to be taken. Our reasons were given within,
you know, all of that kind of stuff because he filed. So it
has become a very expensive process. Translation: It has
been abused. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The
real problem is how do you mend it?
But let me get back to the whole issue. Because as I
said I'm a supporter of affirmative action, what do we mean
by equal or near equal? A 3.9 and somebody with a 4.0 to me
is near equal. Maybe the 4.0 is one as I may have said they
probably had me as the teacher and lost the extra point.
Now, when you're dealing with that kind of a difference, you
have to take into account other kinds of things. You take
into account whether they work, you know -- well you people
who were -- going to college. One of the things the Anglos
don't understand about the Asian community is that the Asian
community knows how to do their application. Their parents
will go to pay for them. They're going to make sure they
make extra money. The Anglo come from non education
families and say I'm not putting the mortgage on my home the
on way your going to do is work for it. They may not on
your S.A.T scores are on, but these the Asian community
speak among themselves and what do they do? Start the
eighth, seventh and eighth grade, forgetting the students
and the academic grades. They make sure their children go
out and work in volunteer projects. They work in the
hospitals, in the community centers, volunteer time, looks
good on the application. They know this. They go out for
track. They go out for badminton. They go out for swimming
because nobody gets cut. I'm not joking.
All right, all you Asians can throw things at me. You
want to call it bias? It's on the record, they get this
stuff down. It's not the 4.0, they are well aware. They're
going to be on those committees. They are going to be doing
dance stuff or the dance. They're going to be doing the
yearbook stuff because they know that that diversity is
necessary, right? Okay I say it the way it is. I'm not
going to get fired for this, maybe. But the fact is that it
it's a knowledgeable kind of thing. That is a understanding
of what it takes to get into the schools and that's why you
tend to have to decide on those issues. I may have said that
last time.
I told my older son that he could much easier get into a
good school on the east coast than the west coast because
they want diversity. A student coming from Mission has a
4.0 has less chance than somebody from New York with a 4.0
because they pull people in from other parts of the country
because they want the diversity and then they can say they
have alumni. All of this is a factor that people don't yell
well I didn't get into college because I didn't get into
volunteer work. They yell because of affirmative action and
in most cases it's not it's all of this other kind of
activities that become important because they figure that in
many ways if you are active, then you are going to be a
productive member of society too. If you are people now you
came from that school and that school will get the
reputation that will pull more people in. Now, what
happens? Well for many years what often happened was that
they always, administrators fearful of the need for
diversity in jobs, in schools began to in a sense reduce
standards. By setting quotas or guidelines. At least
unofficial ones. They were official ones too. Now that was
what created many of the problems. Because it opened the
door to abuse. Abuse that I would take advantage of. Just
like your friend did.
If Hawaii is a minority, put it in other list if I am
Hawaiian. Okay? Many Jews who had Hispanic surnames
because they came from Spain, they were kicked out of Spain
in 1492, their families haven't lived anywhere near Spanish
lands. They don't, but they have names like Sanchez,
Garcia, Gonzalez, put down their names, put down their
Spanish heritages and were getting in as Latinos.
Absolutely not what affirmative action is. A friend
graduating back with my son from Mission high, he was 6 foot
3, blond, blue eyed, um, his name was Montoya. He had no
background in a latino culture. His family had come back in
the colonial days from Spain settling in this area and he
got into Berkeley with a 3.2 because the name goes on the
list as Hispanic. Now that was abusive and those are the
problems that people heard and people were concerned about.
And also the other abuse that was reversing and it has been
a problem too was the fact that many people who had the
grades and diversity could not get in because of those kinds
of abuses.
Years ago Jews had limitations. My brother got turned
down in Princeton because they had reached their quota of
Jews. Lole high school stopped Asians coming in. Only
forty percent were allowed in. That was just last week in
the paper. They finally got rid of that. So if you've got
communities who have the standard, why are we pulling the
standards away? What do we do to get the other people up
the standard? Now what I am I saying? Well on the
educational level, obviously Asians are not under
represented. However, where will we say Asians are a
minority under represented? When we talk about such things
as in administration. You don't see many Asians even on the
faculties of some of these institutions and that makes a
difference. Where else do you see it? Well, look at
television. How many Asians do you see? On television if
you see many African American TV shows, but you don't see
very many latino TV shows. A few, and certainly don't see
many Asians and when they are there, they're made fun of in
one way or another. Like on the Simpsons. And so we create
even worse stereotypes there which is the point of what we
mean that has to somehow be changed when we talk about
So let me take this to a higher plain perhaps, well, no,
let me stay with the standard for a second. Sometimes
standards were false. They kept certain groups out. For
instance, in New York, to be on the police force thirty
years ago you had to be a minimum of five foot eight. Now
you got to understand in New York that is the average
height. In California, it's five ten. You people eat better
oranges, I don't know. Whatever it is. I love going back
to New York. I only I feel average there. You know,
however at least I used to feel average until I shrunk. But
however, the issue was that it kept off a lot of minority.
Granted when minorities live here for a number of years
their height increase from the diet. But this was not very
much the case in New York not only is the diet poor, but you
still have a lot of immigrant groups. It also kept women
from the police force. Was it legitimate? The answer was
apparently no. Because when they got rid of the size
requirement, they had many minorities who always a different
kind of power of the respect from their own communities.
And the whole point of affirmative action was to get people
from the community to go into the community to create roll
models to understand the community not to give somebody a
degree whose family hasn't been in Spain for 400 years
because you know that person isn't going to benefit the
community and they're not going to be seen or they don't
identify with the community. They're not seen as Hispanic
by the Hispanic community. And women coming into the police
force, they found them very sued for police work in areas
domestic disputes for example. They seem to handle it better
than the macho cop who wants to beat the hell out of the
male. Doesn't understand the female response and that's the
reality of some of the things that happen, but where are the
standards? Where should they be kept?
One of the things we talk about, fire fighters.
San Francisco fire fighters were constantly being attacked.
the fire fighters in San Francisco had no women on the fire
fighters. Very few minorities. The exam is given and
they're usually about a hundred or so, but there are very
few, but the San Francisco fire fighters were notorious for
hiring people among the families it was a family business if
you had a relative on it, you got it on. You work as a fire
fighter for a while. And the test is pretty physically
strenuous and women were failing it. The women started
arguing that the it wasn't a standard of the work they
brought in experts to show it was the standards you know
climbing the ladder body hose dragging you that kind of
stuff running up you know, you've been the towers and so,
they argued that's why women couldn't get it because they
weren't doing it well. Women in San Francisco who wanted to
be fire fighters began going to gyms, maybe taking
steroids. On the next exam, seventy women passed it. And
although some of them were in the top ten, some of them were
on the next ten to twenty. They still did not hire any
women. Which makes you question then whether it is sexism
or not. Because if we can sigh it is pretty equal, you've
got a hundred people, two hundred passing, you've got women
up there maybe you can open the door. Because what is best
qualified mean? And that's the point. Diversity makes a
factor of the qualification. Of course there are those
groups that do worse, and in their fear of being sued, they
create systems that are almost meaningless you can quote me
on this, the people who were going to hate me dramatically.
I think the way to get into our nursing program is the
stupidist system I have ever seen now. I don't know how many
of you -- anybody here going into nursing? You are not
aware of it, because of fears of because of arguments of
suits because of question of what best qualified meant, the
nursing department rather than making the decision does a
lottery system. The names are thrown into a computer wheel
and they were pulled out if they have met the requirements.
So what they are using now is not best qualified that
anybody is qualified meaning C or above. Average. And so
that way they avoid the question of interview of bias and
they can say well our nursing students passed the state
exam. In any case, which is true, they have an excellent --
it bothers. See, me, I'd much rather have a person with an
A in biology then one with a C in it as my nurse. I much
rather have somebody interview and say this person works
well with patients rather than simply have a wheel decide.
The strangest part about the system is that they throw your
name in twice if you live in Fremont or Newark. Because
it's the Fremont Newark community college system. It has,
you know, and granted right now there is a need for nurses.
They're pulling in a lot of people, but they haven't been
getting nearly as many. We used to have forty positions and
two hundred applicants. Now they're having trouble getting
applicants, but it still runs into my question of
The fear of suit has created problems of not wants to
make decisions as to who you think would be better in the
field. Because it can be argued bias. How do you prove that
was a fair interview? How do you prove this? These factors
are there. Okay and so, with our classes here at Ohlone now
we can't put prerequisites on those classes until also
unless we can prove it's a necessary course for the class.
We can set prerequisites in the same departments so you
can't take math 152 unless you pass whatever it is or some
back what's math 52 algebra two? Which is intermediate two
now that makes sense you don't have to prove that, but for
example, if I decided that to really do well in this class
it would be better to have students that passed English
101A. I can't put that down as a prereq anymore unless I do
a study for three years to show that students will only pass
the class if they've taken English 101A. So we do have to
do students studies and some may benefit but -- as I said,
years ago when it first started, it was far worse. People
would come into my class and getting Bs and I would be
saying to them, hey you're not going to get on. And he said
yeah I am. I'm a minority. I'll get into medical school in
fact. And when people think like that it's extremely
dangerous. It's unhealthy because he wasn't going to get
into medical school because people begin to believe and
abuse it and so what did the courts decide?
Well, the first case of that really happened with
affirmative action issue came to the Supreme Court in 1977.
By the way, I am expressing all biases here. If you haven't
noted. I don't ask you to agree with me. So that we're
clear that this is not required for you to regurgitate back
at me. In 1977, a man name Bakke -- and it's under the
University of California v Bakke on your word list -- sued
earlier. He had sued the University of California Davis.
Because he was denied admission to medical school. Bakke
was a white man. Davis had in an attempt to create
affirmative action set up a quota system. Of the one
hundred positions open for medical school, 16 of them had to
be filled by minorities.
I had a professor many years ago who one of the students
asked do you curve our -- do you grade on a curve? His
response was if I had a class of a hundred baboons that
means I'd have to give ten A's. I'm not about to do that.
And in a sense, maybe that's what happened with the quotas.
Because what happened in a sense was Bakke was denied
admission. Had he better grades, grade point average, then
any of the 16 minorities admitted well what happens was he
had better grades than open enrollment some who were -- why
was he turned down? The school doesn't have to tell you why
it turns you down. It could have been many factors including
diversity. It may have been and some people have said it
may have been his average. Medical schools are notorious for
not wanting to take people in their 30s. He was in his 30s.
He could prove there was a quota against whites. He sued. It
was Bakke originally university of the California Davis but
he won it in the California Supreme Court. It was the first
what we called reverse discrimination suit. Saying that he
was being discriminated against because he was white. The
university of the California appealed the decision so the
Supreme Court in a very close five/four vote, 9 US Supreme
Court agreed with the California Supreme Court that this
quota was reverse discrimination and they said that quotas
were illegal because it reduced standards. They didn't put
it in those words, but that was the implication. However,
they did say that affirmative action was not illegal, that
you could consider diversity. So that if you want to weigh
individuals because of their race or their agenda they could
take that into account and choose from. It does not outlaw
affirmative action at all. But it said that you still
should be picking the best person based on your standard,
not because you have set aside certain positions.
So basically quotas were outlawed. So what did schools
do? They set up guidelines. We need there are twenty
percent Hispanics living in the community, therefore twenty
percent of the people should be Hispanic. Now the
government in many cases went crazy with that guideline but
because in one guy's factory he had about fifty percent of
his employees were African American and about ten percent
were Hispanic. However, the community which was only about
ten percent African American had twenty percent Hispanics
they charge him with racial discrimination because he didn't
have enough Hispanics working there. And they did an
investigation. So you know do we do it on the community
standard. Do we do it on the state wide standards? Do we
do it national statistics? So guidelines almost became
quotas especially when used by administrators who want to
look good by statistics of affirmative action.
In 1978 another court case came to the Supreme Court. It
also reflects part of my attitude. It was Weber v Kaiser
Steel, New Orleans. Kaiser had been attacked for not having
any African Americans in skilled labor positions or
management. They argued it was because of the community and
so to compensate for what they were lacking, they set up a
special training program to train African American welders.
To train African Americans to be welders, they didn't higher
them. They did pay for their training. Well it is a very
expensive skill to learn and it's a high paid skill. It
takes a long time to really become good at it. So they took
in people to train who were minority under represented. A
man name Weber who was a white man applied for the program.
He was working at Kaiser; he was turned down. Because
basically he was white. Kaiser charged that he had had as
all white man did in New Orleans but he had the opportunity
to take it in high school but the program in New Orleans was
under not open to blacks. Therefore, they were making up
for a past wrong. They were redressing a grievance. The
Supreme Court reviewed it and said it was okay. Since they
were not hiring unskilled labor, but training people, they
were tutoring people to bring them up to standards so that
they could get diversity in their plan. In other words, it
is fine to create diversity by training people by educating
them. Opening up bridge programs. But it's amazing how
people use that as a rational sometimes. For the reasoning
that they're not doing well. Many people in the bridge
programs fell out too, but at least they're trying to bring
them up to standards in some way.
The whole community college system was established as a
bridge program. Sometimes sadly we're often seen as a
remedial because we've often so many courses and in some
ways the high schools not only fail minorities, sometimes
majorities as well or students are aren't doing the work
they should be and so we offer many courses that are not
transferable to bring them up to standard, but there's
nothing wrong with that. It's the body of American
education that people who didn't mature until later screwed
around in school now can go on in many institutions. In
many countries like England the system is that you take your
test at eleven. You don't pass that test to go on to the
academic schools or off to a trade school. You're out of
school and that's it, never again, from eleven on your life
is determined. And a lot of countries have that kind of
standards. The United States and Germany as well. Opens the
doors to adult students.
Some of you in this class are not the average age of the
students usually. 18 or 19. I mean eighteen or nineteen. I
remember everybody was eighteen when we had that woman in
class who was 28 and we saw her as that old lady. We
couldn't believe that this whole woman of 28 was going back
to school. But today, it is not uncommon. In fact
especially in the evening program it is -- we have more
students of the average school average now but years we go
we had a lot of reentry students, as they're called, back
taking advantage of the GI bill. In fact this woman who was
running the student government for one semester, she came
here in her forties, she graduated Ohlone at forty and went
onto Smith college. And lived in the dorm with all the
eighteen and nineteen year olds, and not many colleges
already not many countries that that can happen and you can
knock American education all you want, but the fact is where
we fail we tried to make it up in redress grievance. And
that's why we have so many people from other countries
trying to get into our schools because they know they can do
it here and not there.
Positive statement which a lot of the people tend to
forget about the open door element of our progress. I forgot
where I was going? I'm not going to make her read back. I
was dealing with -- I guess I was dealing with Weber v
University of California. How we create a bridge for many
people to feel complete their education and that's what we
should be doing spending machine in those schools. So that
those programs become -- to standard there is no reason that
Mission high school should have better programs than
Irvington. Not better, more academically enhanced. But if
they don't -- people are complaining about going there with
the difference here not because they're fearful of what
they've heard. Mission has a reputation, perhaps
undeserved. I found that teachers there were mostly -- we
well they had some good ones many retired last year, but I
was amazed. My kids never did say like until they got to
Mission. Candidly and I saw that on the -- you to open
school night you can see, you can read a teacher right
away. It's not hard. My son's biology teacher last
semester, she stood up there in open school now reading her
notes from this card and I said God this is deadly. And she
was. Absolutely didn't know what was going on in that
biology class didn't even have the right answers for exams.
Kids actually put up a web site dedicated to her goofs.
Q There's a lot of teachers like that in Mission. That
was an example. And the problem is that you know people look
at it and say blue ribbon school. We want to move into this
area to go to Mission and what is it that makes the school
great? You know it's the students because the people are
moving in to go there. If those same people go to Irvington
is they don't have a facility, they don't offer the Calculus
courses so they've got to equal rights. We've got to prevent
that ability for those students who want to and ask me those
Concerned with the new approach to affirmative action
that's a game that Governor Davis is pushing and that is
that the University of California system will take in the
top four percent from each school and the others won't be
able to go. Well the top four percent from some schools
would be in the bottom ten percent of others academically
and so in a sense that will be depriving large number of
academic people and maybe in a different way reducing
standards. I think we have to look at academics; we have to
look at financial need. As well as minorities who were
truly minorities in the sense over under represented so that
they can be going back into their community as
representatives of the communities as roll models.
I think the greatest thing for American blacks in many
ways was the Anita Hill hearings. Most of you were too
young to remember when she charged Judge Thomas, when he was
being appointed to the Supreme Court with sexual
harassment. On TV, a whole parade of Yale educated lawyers
and judges were then interviewed and put on and they were
all African Americans. When you see that, you begin to
realize that this is there. Some of you may have heard the
name Malcolm X? I don't know if anybody read the
biography. When he was in junior high school he went to his
guidance counselor and he said, "I'd like to be an
attorney." and she said forget it. There's no way any black
is going to get into law school, so why don't you go on and
do something more practical like drive a truck. And that's,
you know, whether this was a true story or just reported by
Alex Heely who wrote the biography. The fact is it does
reflect what happened years back and so if you have people
that you can see then you can inspire others to realize that
they can go on and they can do their kind of achievement and
that's why one of my favorite people in America, not because
who's very much hated by many people in the black community,
is Jessie Jackson. Now he is radical, but he constantly
pushes education, and the need to achieve. And what it
means to go on and it's hard for you to comprehend this.
But community family peers in more so peers can spoil
people's chances for success.
A friend of mind quite young at the time in the 1960s
became head of the job corps, one of the job programs set up
by Kennedy and Johnson, it was to train people in skilled
labor from the ghettoes specifically take people and skill
labor meant driving a truck, not just pushing a card or
selling drugs, you know, but you know going on and getting a
job where you got good pay. They found that the biggest
problem they confronted is this they would train these
people they would give them the skill the people would go
back home and they would be told that they were trying to go
above them and they'd never get hired and they gave it up
and they went back to pushing drugs or a cart. Despite the
training and so the whole community element needs the roll
models so the people can see those individuals out there and
they can say to themselves, no, it's not true. I can be
like that. And that's what affirmative action was meant to
do when we talk about level the playing fields. It's not
just about getting jobs, but creating role models.
Okay. I've done my sermonizing today on that issue, but
I made some points I hope. Whether you agree or not is --
on the chart as well is the issue of majority right,
minority rule. Something that sounds good but needs to be
clarified. You can't have a democracy if you cut off some
people. Everybody should have a right to achieve equal
opportunity. If you eliminate minorities then they don't
have a right to become a majority. Many years ago my wife
took political science at San Jose State, had an exam and
the question was if the people vote to take away the right
to vote from read-headed people, would it still be a
democracy since they voted to do it? That's a good
question. Of course you know that if you were to get that
question you would first think about what? The chart. Yes
now you know that. Good; good. Okay. Um, you can't cut
off the group. Our constitution was design to protect
minorities, to preserve liberty, more so to create equality.
I told you the framers of constitution, you the people as a
danger because they saw them as ruling through passion. The
minority however that they were going to protect was
themselves. Rich and the well-born. Let's face it and the
framers of constitution would preserve the rich and the
well-born however it is of course being used to die to
protect groups that may have larger numbers the groups we
all under represented. The minorities, if you will. The
same Constitution with very few changes.
There have been historically only 27 amendments to that
original living document. Why is that amazing? It's
amazing because in California every year I think we get 27
amendments to our Constitution. Most countries have had
numerous constitutions in their history. The nation of
Bolivia since it's founding in about 1820s has had sixty
constitutions. Even the Soviet Union before it collapsed
had had four. We have had two? Two? Yeah. What was the
first one again? Articles of Confederation, which went out.
We talked about a lot went out of existence with the new
constitution the one way now of in 1789. The constitution
was written in 1787 as a convention in Philadelphia. During
the summer, late spring, and summer. Finish on September
16th and sent to the states. Perhaps illegally, originally
they had agreed they were going to send it back to the
articles legislature. The Articles of Confederation. The
Articles of Confederation in fact required a unanimous vote
for any amendment and a two thirds vote for any legislation
passed that was near impossible and the constitution was
sent out requiring a two thirds, a three quarter vote of the
states or at least nine of the thirteen states to ratify
it. And it was supposed to go back and it didn't. So it
violated the Articles, the meaning was to have a convention
to amend the articles and they went and wrote a whole new
constitution. It almost didn't pass. Many states was very
close until the framers of constitution agreed to add a Bill
of Rights. The framers of the constitution said you don't
need a Bill of Rights if we didn't take it however, the
people argued we don't trust the government. We want a Bill
of Rights. The original Articles of Confederation were
designed against the tierny of one King George the third it
was a designed to prevent a dictator in America. The new
constitution was designed not only against the tierny of one
or the amendment. It was to protect the few against the
many to preserve liberty. The Articles were working, but he
had created thirteen separate countries. And there were
many problems that you read about. So this was an attempt
to bring the country together. One of the things that
inspired the convention with people to show up was Shays's
Rebellion. Shays's Rebellion in 1786 the back farmers of
Massachusetts because their land was being confiscated by
the banks by the land holdings I mean the money lenders and
there was no national army to go put them down. There was no
military force except for the militia in Massachusetts and
interestingly the governor of Massachusetts at the time was
Sam Adams who had lead the son of liberty he was a
revolutionary, but now he lead the force to put down the
revolution. It scared the wealthy. They were also scared
because were sitting on their lands. George Washington for
example owned land and what was now West Virginia out in
Ohio they were very wealthy and people were then and they
want to stop that. They want to protect their property and
their wealth. So they created a document to preserve the
I remember become about 1982 at -- is Amador high school
in Livermore? It was at Amador high school that two -- no,
I'm sorry. Three women sued because they were going to have
a prayer at graduation and they argued that that prayer was
unconstitutional that they didn't. You remember it? Yeah
I'm always glad that sometimes we get these older people
that remember these -- that I don't make these things up. I
remember reporter speaking to one of women and saying -- you
know how reporters can attack? How can you stop all those
hundreds of students from graduating who want to have a
prayer this is a country where the majority rule and if the
majority wants a prayer they should have one and that's what
your constitution was established to create and she said,
"no, you don't understand our constitution. You need to go
back and take a history lesson that our constitution was
written to preserve the minority and we are the minority
against majority tierny." and there was a lot of truth to
that because the constitution was not just to protect the
minority. The Bill of Rights in the First Amendment also
gets it established religion we are protected from religion
as well.
Translation: The school system can't make you pray.
They can't write a pray. They can't make you a catholic.
They can't make you a Baptist in the classroom. You you can
pray in class any time you want. You will be -- but that is
not the same as if I say to you let's get down on our knees
now and pray before you take my exam. The knowledge we have
of the constitution in its workings is limited originally.
Because the convention was closed we couldn't do this today
we have leaks we have cameras we have people being
interviewed reporters staking their cameras against the
windows to see what was happening in the Philadelphia in the
hot summer in a small room. I was shocked when I went to
Constitution Hall because I expected a big room where they
would sit around and talk. It's a small little room.
You've seen it? I think more shocking, there was two things
that happened had he in any of my visits one was
Constitution Hall which I expected to be big the other was
the Mona Lisa. It's not just a picture it's small and it
was green because with the coloring of the thing they may
have cleaned it up since I saw it and all these people were
around it and I expected to see this massive portrait. It
was very disappointing.
Did you know that the whole point about Mona Lisa's
smile? They've been trying to figure out for years.
They've been figuring for years and what it means -- well a
few years ago a woman took the computer to try and analyze
the various people and you know what she found out? That
the Mona Lisa is Leonardo DiVinchi in drag in a reverse drag
you know how he wrote in mirror image? Well apparently he
was painting himself in drag and that's the real secret of
the Mona Lisa's smile. I read about it. Again I just want
to verify I don't make these things up. Thank you Paul. Why
they brought up on the internet. Know I've got the article
as well.
You know, irrelevant, but just a little side light to
historical base. In any case, we do have some knowledge
thanks to James Madison who can keep some notes, he was our
third president, is often known as the Father of the
Constitution. Third president? Our fourth president. Spit
out too fast. I expect to get corrected on those things.
Our fourth president. Washington, Adams, Jefferson,
Madison. He also was involved in writing the Federalist
Papers. The Federalists Papers were a series of papers
written in New York state under Greek and Roman names
anonymously by Madison, Alexander Hamilton from the Aaron
Burr commercial, when he was shot by Aaron Burr. You
remember that commercial? That's the best commercial ever.
And a man name John Jay, but he became your first Supreme
Court Chief Justice. They wrote these documents. Most were
written by Madison and that's how we have some idea of what
the constitution was meant to do. But again, the big issue
in getting it passed and it was written for New York state
and it passed by a convention. The people didn't vote on
it. They elected people to vote on it. Typical indirect
democracy, and it passed by two votes. It was very close
because people did not trust a strong government. Thomas
Jefferson finally came over. When they agreed to have a
Bill of Rights he supported it. Patrick Henry never
supported it, but that document has lived with minimal
changes because it's a guideline to our government.
And of those 27 amendments, ten of them were right
away. They were the Bill of Rights, introduced at the first
congress in 1789. They actually introduced 18. Madison
wrote most of them. 12 were sent to the states. Ten passed
and seventeen none, the ten Bill of Rights. The eleventh
passed -- are we ready? 1992. It had been sitting -- since
1789. It had no time limit on it. When congress raised their
salary almost double, people in the United States got upset.
They found this sitting out there, the 11th amendment which
is now the 27th. It's listed as 27th. 1992 says that
congress can't raise their own salaries during their term of
office, but not during their own term. And that became --
so eleven of the amendments were right away. And so that
actually only leaves sixteen. Two cancelled each other out.
What were those two? Prohibition. So that gives us
fourteen amendments, three of which came from the Civil War
and the ending of slavery. We've only really had eleven
amendments that were on different subjects that were
relative; it's an amazing document. That provided for
majority rule and minority rights. I'll continue by going
into democracy, direct democracy, on Thursday.